Saturday, December 02, 2006

Link: Number of Atheists Worldwide

[This post was originally published on The Secular Outpost on November 12, 2006. It was republished here on November 7, 2021 with the date manually adjusted to reflect its original publication date. The link was also updated to its current location.] has a chart on their site, "The Big Religion Chart," summarizing the major "religions / sects / groups / philosophies / belief systems." Atheism is included in the chart and is listed as having 1.1 billion adherents worldwide. I'm virtually certain that this number is wildly overstated. The only way they can come up with a number that big is to include everyone who says they are "nonreligious." The problem with that approach, of course, is that a person can be "nonreligious" and believe in God.

LINK (HT to Jim Lippard)