Saturday, June 03, 2023

Another "Impossibility" Argument Against Theism: The Aseity-vs-Temporal Argument

An Impossible (or Penrose) Triangle
Source: OpenClipArt; License: CC 

The Aseity-vs-Temporal Argument

temporal theism =df. theism conjoined with the proposition, "God is necessarily temporal"

(1) If temporal theism is true, then God is a se. [Premise]
(2) If temporal theism is true, then God is temporal. [Premise]
(3) If God is a se, then God is self-existent, independent, and underived. [From the definition of a se]
(4) If God is timeless sans creation and temporal with creation, then God is not necessarily temporal. 
(5) Therefore, it is impossible for God to be both a se and necessarily temporal. (from 3 and 4)
(6) Hence, it is impossible for temporal theism to be true. (from 1, 2, and 5)

To avoid any misunderstandings, I am merely sketching an argument, not defending it. I claim only that it is valid, not that it is sound.

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